Saturday, January 14, 2017

Green Essen and environs 2017

23 March 2017 Essen news bulletin:
Loose translation:  my green.

Previously updated 24 February 2017

Essen 2017 Green Capitol of Europe
Heimat Green
Green Apes app  (available free from app stores)

 Julia Kurtz and Dagmar Wolsing, Essen

Klima Werkstadt Essen
Managing over 130 ongoing projects with an emphasis on integrating technology, finance, government and pedagogy to improve knowledge and change behavior.

Updated 11 February 2017
SnowfallSurprise Sony

Local music (traditional):

Refer to Johann Gottfried von Herder on the importance of the local: specific to a place and time which includes language, law and custom. Not all Sturm und Drang. Einfühlung (empathy) as a volk feeling.  "What of us lies in the hearts of others is our truest and deepest self."

Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.
Read more at:
Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.
Read more at:
Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.
Read more at:
Update: 24.2.2017
North Rhineland Westphalia, Green on Pink link. Scroll to flamingos for :51

Musical interlude:

Speaking of custom...
Ruhr Triiinnelle festival of arts has adopted the motto Seid Umschlungen. (Landscaftspark Duisburg-Nord)
Held annually from late August through September in Essen, Bochum, Duisburg, Gladbeck etc.
From 2016

e-World, Energy and Water, Essen, Congress and Fair, 7-9 February 2017
See Energy App Award (finalists posted)

Wuppertal Institute for Klima, Environment and Energie (including sufficiency ideas)

Recycling at night, Essen

Klima Expo NRW
Ein besonderes Highlight des Zwischenpräsentationsjahres der KlimaExpo.NRW sind die NRW.KlimaTage2017 am 7. und 8. Juli 2017. Alle Klimaschutzprojekte und -akteure im ganzen Land sind eingeladen, zeitgleich ihre Türen für Besucher zu öffnen. So entsteht ein landesweit einzigartiges Format, das die dezentrale „Expo neuen Typs“ mit Leben füllt. Die NRW.KlimaTage2017 werden Angebote für Fachbesucher, Schüler und Studierende, Familien und sonstige interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger gleichermaßen enthalten.

NEW Blauhaus, Mönchengladbach
a building of our near future?

Solar Future Today interview, featuring John Perlin, author of several books including Let It Shine:  The 6000-Year Story of Solar Energy, 2013 New World Library

Update: 2.3.2017
IST 2016, Wuppertal,
an aftermath
"We bled inside each others wounds."
another aftermath:  Altamont

EU Commission Environment
See Solidarity Corps for young volunteers
Allows people to make a hands-on contribution in areas such as disaster relief, social integration, environmental protection and poverty reduction. The scheme is open to young people (17-30 years of age) and the registration tool is available in the 24 official languages of the EU.

Musical interlude

Rosa Luxemburg: Those who not move do not notice their chains.

Paper trail

Practice not-doing
and everything will fall into place.
                                       Tao Te Ching

Forced Entertainment (extends far beyond the ticket, 1999-2013, and now) 

Detailed commentary (pointedly brief):

Le Chagrin et la Pitié, updated to 2017 (search and conject)

Essen HBF, 12 September 2016

And for dissonant views:

Center for Advanced Hindsight, Duke University 
(built on a foundation of human slavery, a too familiar fate. but why is that relevant now? science changes by being objective now. who funds Duke now?)

Dan Simons, Selective Attention, University of Illinois,  land grant college
(built long, long ago on stolen Native American lands. ask Honest "free soil, free [white] labor" Abe. how many Native Americans are there today? any blindness there, friends? but science today has professional, self-regulating ethics. more than financial or political -- much stronger -- institutions?  we're honest. trust us. what, me worry? Click below for experiment.

...cinco minutos, Victor Jara


Some time when the river is ice
ask me mistakes I have made.
Ask me whether what I have done is my life.
Others have come in their slow way into my thought,
and some have tried to help or to hurt;
ask me what difference their strongest love or hate had made.
I will listen to what you say.
You and I can turn and look at the silent river and wait.
We know the current is there, hidden;
and there are comings and goings from miles away that hold
the stillness exactly before us.
What the river says, that is what I say.

-- William Stafford

speaking of listening and rivers 

post scriptus

mit all this talk about ecology, green this-and-that and sufficiency...where's the uber mensch or uber Frau?

shall Attila the None (Attila die Nien) wake from history and rampage peacefully? Or Frau Greta the Great and very Gerade.
Why not Attila the Freund? 2 squishy and 21st century and glossy?

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